Who am I?

I am a computer scientist working on differential privacy (DP). My focus is on performing DP computation in contexts where large data collectors are not trusted. I build on top of cryptographic constructions like secure shufflers and aggregators. I quantify the privacy-accuracy tradeoff, evaluate communication costs, and bound the influence of malicious data contributors.

As of May 2023, I am a visiting researcher at Google, employed via Magnit. Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science at Georgetown University, where I was supervised by Prof. Kobbi Nissim. Chao Yan and Laasya Bangalore were excellent PhD. collaborators.

I earned my PhD. at Northeastern University's Khoury College of Computer Science. My advisor was Prof. Jonathan Ullman. Earlier, I attended Stuyvesant High School and earned my BS at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering.



On the Georgetown University campus, I work in St. Mary's Hall

My email address is ac2305 -at- georgetown -dot- edu